For those that have gotten the cheap Prusa i3 knockoff from china that uses the Melzi board, there is a way to update the firmware to support other features, like the Auto Bed Leveling. The firmware that is installed on the Melzi board is actually Repetier, but a lower version, and the boot loader is not installed. The boot loader allows you to update the firmware via USB.
Without the boot loader, you need to use the ISP interface, with an AVR Programmer:
Use Arduino 1.6.8 for Bootloader
Under File -> Preferances:
Add To Additional Boards Manager in Preferences:
Set to:
Board: Sanguino
Processor: ATmega1284P 16MHz
Programmer: AVRISP mkII
Build your new firmware on the website:
Download and extract the firmware from the website.
Use Arduino 1.6.7 to load the firmware:
Open the Configuration.h file from the extracted firmware folder.